Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc. issued the following announcement on Dec. 19.
AboitizPower subsidiary Therma Visayas, Inc. (TVI) is no stranger to visitors to the plant. TVI has welcomed a range of guests inside the facility, from business partners to government officials, who have come to conduct inspections, strengthen relationships, or create opportunities for collaboration and benchmarking.
Even with the vast experience of the TVI team, nothing could have prepared them for their unexpected guest on November 6, 2020. They could only stop and stare, and take photos of who (or what) decided to casually pass by.
The whale shark, locally known as Butanding, is a migratory species that regularly passes through the coastal areas of South Luzon and the Visayan islands. These creatures frequent tropical waters and areas where plankton are abundant as these are their main source of food. Officially, the Philippines hosts the second largest known population of whale sharks in the world according to a study by Wildbook for Whale Sharks.
Though the visit was short and sweet, it echoed the AboitizPower group’s promise of providing reliable and reasonable power created in the most responsible way. Therma Visayas holds in high regard the impact of its operations and takes proactive approaches to ensure the well-being and preservation of its immediate environment.
The Coastal Resource Management Program (CRMP) is one of the initiatives implemented by Therma Visayas for the rehabilitation, enhancement, and preservation of its immediate coastal environment.
Along with other coastal resources management programs implemented around the country, Therma Visayas hopes that the implementation of this program enhances the livelihood support provided to Toledo communities while ensuring the long-term preservation of its coastal resources. The CRMP includes education and training, resource management, and livelihood development tailor-fit for Toledo communities.
Currently in its first phase, the CRMP is in the process of identifying the biophysical and socio-economic profiles of Toledo and the status of its resources. This initial phase is crucial to the overall impact of the project as it evaluates the current marine environment and its available resources. It also involves the identification of community members from the local government and community groups to be part of a working group who will be consulted on the projects to be created for the Toledo community.
“Therma Visayas intends to continue its environmental responsibility not only in greening programs for the upland but also by managing its coastal resources. We plan to help equip our coastal community to have livelihood and other activities that can sustain the resources and natural productivity of the marine ecosystems for future generations,” TVI Safety, Health, and Environment Manager Argel Cabañero said.
AboitizPower subsidiary Therma Visayas, Inc. is the operator of the 340-megawatt Toledo baseload Power Plant located in Brgy. Bato, Toledo City, Cebu. TVI is certified in three ISO standards, namely Quality Management (ISO 9001:2015), Environmental Management (ISO 14001:2015), Occupational Health and Safety Management (OHSMS 45001:2018). The facility is an 80-20 joint venture between Aboitiz Power Corporation and Vivant, Corp. respectively. Together with Therma Luzon, Inc. and Therma South, Inc. The three primarily compose the Coal Business Unit of AboitizPower.
Original source: https://aboitiz.com/therma-visayas-initiates-marine-conservation-strategy-in-toledo/